- Getting to know each other - interests/philosophy towards money/visions
- Financial dreams and concerns
- What are we trying to accomplish?
- Are we looking at the entire financial picture or trying to solve a specific problem
- What is the actual Current Situation?
- What is the future Desired Situation?
- Gathering the current Facts
- Identifying and setting Objectives – short term/mid term/long term
- Setting of Priorities
Back office
Primarily done by Lenert Financial
- Recommendations that best meet objectives
- Risk Management and Investment options
- Asset Protection and Cash flow
- Costs and Fees
- Liquidity and flexibility
- Current and future obstacles
Initial Blueprint
- Crystallizing the plan we will soon implement
- Rationale behind recommendations
- Alternative planning options
- How it all works together
- Other considerations
- Piecing it all together and setting things in motion
- Action items/Action plan and implementation calendar
- Paperwork/Applications/ Transfers/Underwriting
- Homework for you and Homework for me
Review and
- Monitoring our plan (Actual and Desired) – are we progressing towards desired vision?
- Should the plan be adjusted to better fit changing situations and current environment
- Considering future objectives and next steps
At Lenert Financial we consider building your portfolio no different than building a home.
Introductory Meeting
- Getting to know each other - interests/philosophy towards money/visions
- Financial dreams and concerns
- What are we trying to accomplish?
- Are we looking at the entire financial picture or trying to solve a specific problem
Discovery Meeting
- What is the actual Current Situation - What is the future desired situation
- Gathering the current Facts
- Identifying and setting Objectives – short term/mid term/long term
- Setting of Priorities
Back Office Analysis -
Primarily done by Lenert Financial
- Recommendations that best meet objectives
- Risk Management and Investment options
- Asset Protection and Cash flow
- Costs and Fees
- Liquidity and flexibility
- Current and future obstacles
Recommendations and Initial Blueprint
- Crystallizing the plan we will soon implement.
- Rationale behind recommendations
- How it all works together
- Piecing it all together and setting things in motion
- Action items/Action plan and implementation calendar
- Paperwork/Applications/ Transfers/Underwriting
- Homework for you and Homework for me
Review and Refine
- Monitoring our plan (Actual and Desired) – are we progressing towards desired vision?
- Should the plan be adjusted to better fit changing situations and current environment
- Considering future objectives and next steps